Luai Ahmed - A Letter To All Muslims
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Luai Ahmed – A Letter To All Muslims

[“Kuffar” in Arabic means “Non-believers” (in this context “those who do not believe in Muhammad or in Islam”)]

Dear Muslims,
The world is scared of us. The world is laughing at us. The world is worried about us. And there are legitimate reasons for their worry that we cannot keep denying.

It is time for us to flush the word ”Islamophobia” down the toilet and start looking in the mirror and ask ourselves:

How did we get here?

How come the largest and most thriving terrorist organizations in the world are Muslim?

How come terrorists successfully use Islam to mobilize thousands of Muslims?

What is the problem with our leaders, our Imams, and our religion?

Why do we keep repeating these stone-age traditions that have failed us and continue to fail us?

The world has left us behind.

The ”kuffar” that Imams tell us to hate have traveled to the future while we are still stuck in the Middle Ages reading stories about Mohammed and his flying horse.

You are reading this with your phone, tablet, or computer, which was created by the ”kuffar.”

The same ”kuffar” that we hate so much have created medicine that cures diseases. Medicine that our religion’s crystal balls failed to bring about.

The ”kuffar” have moved forward and traveled to space. Meanwhile, we are stuck on Earth in the Middle Ages, going to our poisonous mosques every Friday, reciting the same chapters and the same stories of Muhammad.

Why haven’t all of these books and teachings led to any scientific, technological, or medical advancements?

1,400 years of us, stuck, debating: ”Which is the correct sect?” ”What is the correct interpretation?” ”Who is a real Muslim? And who is a kaffer?” ”How can we convince people to become Muslims?”

Why on Earth would anyone want to become Muslim today?

They are all scared of us.

They are all laughing at us.

They are all worried about us.

Delete Israel and the West from the world, and we would still be as ignorant as we are. We would still be stabbing each other.

Stop blaming them – and look at yourselves instead. The enemy is not out there. The enemy is within.


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