Map of Israel today

What Occupation?

Few subjects have been falsified so thoroughly as the recent history of the West Bank and Gaza. By Efraim Karsh, July 1, 2002   No term has dominated the discourse of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict more than ā€œoccupation.ā€ For decades now, hardly a day has passed without some mention in the international media of Israelā€™s supposedly…

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The Truth on Israel Palestine Conflict

The “Palestinians” say it themselves: “Between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. We are all part of ONE people, the Arab nation. Look, I have family members with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenship. We are ONE people. Just for political reasons we carefully underwrite our Palestinian identity. Because it is of…

The Forgotten Refugees – 1,000,000 Jews Expelled
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The Forgotten Refugees – 1,000,000 Jews Expelled

“The Forgotten Refugees” explores the history, culture, and forced exodus of Middle Eastern and North African Jewish communities in the second half of the 20th century. Using extensive testimony of refugees from Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, and Morocco the film recounts the stories – of joy and suffering – that nearly one million individuals have…

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They were more than a million Jews. Between 1946 and 1974, this million is the number of forgotten fugitives, expelled from the Arab world, and whom history would like to forget, while the victims themselves have hidden their fate under a veil of modesty. The Jews have been living in Arabic lands for thousands of…

Classified US Report: Palestinian Refugees Number Only 30,000
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Classified US Report: Palestinian Refugees Number Only 30,000

Palestinian refugees number only several thousand, and not the millions claimed by the Palestinians, according to a classified State Department document. By: United with Israel Staff Palestinian refugees worldwide number only some 30,000, and not the millions claimed by the Palestinians, according to a classified Obama-era report on the issue. The Free Beacon on Friday…

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How to Be Pro-Palestinian on Campus Without Being An Antisemite

An excellent essay by Andrew Pessin, Professor of Philosophy at Connecticut College, Campus Bureau Editor at “The Algemeiner“. The times may be a changing, in the campus wars over Israel: the idea that the anti-Israel movement is fundamentally antisemitic appears to be gaining traction. The evidence? In recent weeks several U.K. universities cancelled ā€œIsraeli Apartheid…